Easy ways to save electricity at home
The world today is facing a lot of environmental issues which are a great hazard to all inhabiting this planet. Hence it is of utmost importance that we awaken to these dangers and help curb the abuse of all those things which could make this planet a living hell. Electricity is one such major issue. Most methods of electricity production are counted as the greatest
environment pollutants.
So let’s heed the warning signs and start acting and saving electricity now. Some Tips-
- Whenever you move out of a room do switch off lights and all the machines as well eg. TV, computer, video games etc. In case you’re going out of town unplug these very machines for they have stand-by functions which consume electricity even when turned off. Didn’t know that did you?
- If using a dishwasher be sure to fill it efficiently and limit the number of times you run it.
- Use the washing machine only when you have a full load of clothes and not just 2-3 clothes, that would be a sure waste of power.
- Don’t put furniture and other stuff in front of your air conditioning vents.
- Close the doors and windows when air conditioning is on and put off the AC half an hour before you leave the room.
- If possible try shading your AC unit, if under bright sun it can use upto 5% more energy.
- Always better to use fluoroscent light bulbs as they use 75% less energy than incandescent bulbs.
- Decide what you need from the fridge before opening it so that you don’t needlessly waste electricity standing with the door open while you look inside.
- Vacuum the coils of your refrigerator every few months it will help lower your electricity bill and also keep the condenser working better.
So you see it is not difficult at all to get that electric power going that extra mile if only we put into practice a few simple rules in our everyday life.
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